A little reflection

Hi everyone, 
So this year I've been super bad at updating my blog, and this is something I'm aware of and so I'm trying to put together a schedule to make sure I post more and share some interesting things with you, not just about me all the time :)

So first up, is there anything you'd like me to cover more of, perhaps do a post answering some questions on? Just let me know!

I wanted to share how I've been feeling recently, and with my 25th birthday fast approaching (sob) I realised this last few weeks that I've never felt more content and happy.
I'm now working for myself full time, and yes, I am still broke and the money pretty much goes back into the business, but its starting to work - thanks to you lovely people who all believe in me too.
I'm maintaining a much better work/social life and as per my new years resolution I am trying more new things and taking more spontaneous breaks!
It's funny really because goals I set for myself just two years ago I'm smashing! So I'm in the process of re-evaluating and setting new goals, and that feels good to know, and to say.

Being a freelancer is hard, I won't lie and I'm in tears sometimes and can't stop grinning other times! Luckily I have my lovely boyfriend who helps me out so very much is very good at leveling me out when I go off on one.
A huge thankyou to everyone that has supported my little business and me so far in my journey, we've got a long way to go together yet but we will sure get there :)

holiday snap

This is a little snap of me from our little break in Fuerteventura last week, it was a very much needed, blissful holiday and we got to do some really fun things - after a weekend of insane deadlines it was just what the doctor ordered.

I have also been working on looooads of new work that I'm not allowed to show anyone for the time being, but here are some illo's that I don't think you've seen yet :)

This wee fellow was to cheer myself up between hard deadlines :)

This wee fellow was to cheer myself up between hard deadlines :)

I have lots up my sleeve for this year and with proper planning I hope that I can pull it off :)

Lou x